NutriVital Activated B Complex contains B group vitamins to support energy levels and maintain nervous system health. Vitamin B5 supports healthy stress response in the body. Nicotinamide and vitamins B6 and B5 maintain energy levels. · Contains the biologically activated forms of vitamins B2, B6, B9 and B12 · Supports general health and wellbeing · Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and biotin aid metabolism of carbohydrates · Vitamins, B2, B6 and B12 supports healthy immune system function. · Vitamins B1, B5, B6 and B12 assist the synthesis of neurotransmitters · Vitamins B6, B9 and B12 assists healthy red blood cell production · Biotin and vitamin B2 support nail and hair health. · Biotin and vitamin B2 and B3 support skin health. Vitamins can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate